The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101038   Message #2034951
Posted By: Charley Noble
24-Apr-07 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: Shanties rejected by Liverpool
Subject: RE: Shanties rejected by Liverpool
I'm glad I hesitated before posting until this situation was more sorted out.

But unfortunately the situation still looks unsorted from across the pond. And I'm going to plunge right in!

Before the shanty raiders take to the streets, avoiding the construction hole on Paradise Street, one might want to consult with Hughie Jones, the Lardners, hell! –- with Stan Hugill and Paddy West.

The Culture Company may be oblivious to the rich heritiage of sailortown, hard as that might be to imagine, but there may be someone there who would realize that it is a treasure to exploit, and then watch out for the other shoe to drop: you're all hired to dress up in period sailor suits and sing songs from Pirates of Penzance!

Good luck, lads, and may the outcome be more interesting that my imagination.

Charley Noble