The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101030   Message #2034992
Posted By: Bill D
24-Apr-07 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
WT7 was not a standard steel had a structure similar to WTC 1&2. WTC 7 did not fall 'straight down' leaned, then fell. It fell because heavy fires had burned in it lower floors for over 6 hours, and it had 30 floors ABOVE where the fiercest fires were...and, to repeat, it was NOT a standard steel structure.
That is what *I* learned from reading that extremely detailed site.

On the site are interviews/quotes from firemen saying that they 'knew' it was weak and gonna fall...NOT that they were going to MAKE it fall. Silverstein and the brigade commander were not demolition people...they were not using technical jargon. 'Pull' was an unfortunate word they used.

It is not reasonable to base such a huge, scary conspiracy on an out-of-context word usage when there is so much physical evidence pointing to the fires and building structure.