The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101030   Message #2034994
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
24-Apr-07 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Donuel, you are right - anything COULD happen. I could also win the lottery tonight, or get hit by lightning, or spontaneously combust. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility.

Realistically, I will blow another couple of bucks on tickets, there are no clouds in the sky, and I'm not feeling the slightest bit warm. From what I know of newsrooms and the personnel involved, the government will not be able to plant stories of that magnitude.

I also heard Guiliani and Silverstein say "pull it". IF these individuals were involved in what would be a massive coverup, do you think BOTH would blow it by saying "pull it" - and no other strong evidence can be found to back up controlled demolition? Why would two of the most important people involved in the supposed coverup screw up on such a huge point? Why aren't fire fighters and other personnel who were in WTC 7 coming forward with any evidence? Why aren't we hearing ANYONE else come forward?    All the evidence I've seen supporting a coverup shows photographs or video footage that requires a leap of faith to support, a newsreporter who could easily have made a mistake (among the hundreds of errors that were reported that day), and two individuals saying the words "pull it" which can be open to a variety of interpretation.

Contrary to some of the reports, there is strong evidence that WTC 7 was making money.   Why "pull it"????

Given the difficulty in providing credible evidence and all the unanswered questions, does anyone understand why I find a conspiracy to demolish this building hard to accept?