The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101086   Message #2035314
Posted By: Fred McCormick
25-Apr-07 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Ralph Peer and Copyright
Subject: Ralph Peer and Copyright
For anyone able to receive British terrestrial television, there's a programme next week which looks as though it has implications somewhat beyond its remit. The Programme is called This World: The Fight for Cuba's Music. It tells how Cuban musicans who took part in the film, The Buena Vista Social Club found themselves chased for copyright royalties on their own material from Peer Music inc.

Fir me the significance is that Ralph Peer, who was a roving A&R man for Victor and Okeh Records, used to copyright everything that wasn't nailed down, including a large number of American folksongs. I for one will be interested to see whether the Cuban musicians were succesful in fighting off Peer Music and how they did it.

BBC 2 Tuesday May 1st. 21'50 hours. BST.