The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101030   Message #2035530
Posted By: GUEST,Scary Kerry
25-Apr-07 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
So, what if I believed the "19 men with boxcutters" story? 4-5 men on each plane, each man with a one-inch razor. They got planeloads of Type-A American salesmen to cower in their seats, then (with the flight skills that got them kicked out of flight schools), the hijackers took the planes through maneuvers a jet pilot couldn't perform without a pressure suit. They also got NORAD to stand down over the buisiest airspace in North America for an hour and a half. If I believed THAT story, would I pass the mental health test?

The government version of 9/11 is a lie. We all know it. And the coverup in itself is a crime. If your house blew up and then you told the cops that you were in charge of investigating the event and they'd just have to accept your explanation, you'd be arrested. The people are starting to hold the criminals of 9/11 accountable. Bit by bit.