The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101099   Message #2035809
Posted By: mrdux
25-Apr-07 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cures for hiccups?
Subject: RE: BS: Cures for hiccups?
I've had hiccups for as long as a week at a time -- a nasty bit of business -- that has needed to be cured pharmacologically (10 mg valium q.i.d. for a couple days). Short of that, although I've tried all of the home remedies above, the only one that has worked even a little bit for me is breathing slooooowly and deeeeply into a paper bag to build up the CO2 level. During my last bout, my acupuncturist suggested that taking a therapeutic dose of magnesium has been known to stop the hiccups cold. I tried it and it actually worked.
