The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101099   Message #2035816
Posted By: Jeanie
25-Apr-07 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cures for hiccups?
Subject: RE: BS: Cures for hiccups?
If anyone had hiccups in class, my French teacher had a wonderful cure, which worked every time: She would call the person out to the front of the class, take hold of the little finger of their right hand, and just stand there, - and the hiccups stopped very quickly. I've used this "cure" on people myself many times - either in a classroom situation or just about anywhere - and yes, it has always worked. I think the reason might be that the hiccuping person is scared because they think you are going to do something nasty or scary, and it is the anticipation which scares them and jolts them out of the hiccuping.

Miss Parker's cure worked even after we had seen her do this several times over the years - so, in addition to the anticipation of being scared, the other reason it works is the total conviction on the part of the curer that it *is* going to work. I, certainly, have never known it to fail.

- jeanie