The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93036   Message #2035977
Posted By: Janie
25-Apr-07 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Fiction:The Woman in the Holler
Subject: RE: Fiction:The Woman in the Holler
"Have you seen Dukes's pups?" Sharon asked.

Kathy smiled. "Louie brought the one he took by the nursing home while I was there. Said it was so ugly he knew it needed rescued, and he was just the man to do it. She paused. "I didn't argue with him."

Sharon laughed. "The whole litter looked like that. I'm afraid coon hound and squirrel dog didn't mix too well in the looks department. But you know what Aunt Kathy? I believe Ugly has got Duke's great heart, and he is just as smart a pup as you could want. He adores Louie. Louie takes him to work with him. It won't be long before that dog will be pumping gas and changing oil! And he might not turn out quite so ugly in the end. He's what, 5-6 months old now? His face is starting to grow into those long ears now, though I don't know if that barrel body will ever sit on top those long legs to look right or not. that's not true, you can already tell niether the body or the legs are going to change much. but he's a wonderful mutt, has real character. Let's go on in and start supper. This little rooster of a wrenn needs some time alone with his girlfriend over there.