The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2035985
Posted By: Dickey
25-Apr-07 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Good job MG but it smacks a little of big brother and the ACLU would be the biggest opponent.

My eyes are screwed up tonight from pollen and cutting grass but basically the root causes of poverty is a bad family environment and a lack of education. A bad community environment, drugs, crime, gangs, Bad influences from the entertainment industry (folk music not included) run amok, in the name of profit. Bad role models being glorified for profit.

Kids should be shown right from wrong at an early age and taught to make the right choices. This is usually done by the family but it seems there is a new breed of parents now that believe this is not their job. They think it is up to the government and schools to guide their children's lives and be responsible for their welfare. All these patches applied to society reinforces that mindset, promulgates the problem and increases the number of people dependent on it.

I can hardly stand to watch most movies and TV now because of the sex, violence and, abnormal behavior depicted. Even kids movies need to have farting, nose picking, disobeying parents, lying, abusive behavior towards others etc. What's next, drugs and sex in kid's movies?

What kids see on the screen is emulated by them. By the time they get a car, they have seen so many fake car crashes where the people just get up and walk away that they are desensitized and don't really understand the consequences. Here's a movie about a cop who is supposed to be the good guy because he shoots the bad guy in the back while he is running away or beats information out of him unknown to the "Chief" and gets away with it. After a cars chase through town, through traffic and demolishing dozens of vehicles belonging to innocent citizens, he has a pistol and a bunch of bad guys are shooting at him with Uzis, firing hundreds of rounds. He draws a bead and fires one of, a bad guy crumples, then another. Of course the biggest bad guy has to die in a vat of acid or a blast furnace for extra shock value. The good guy has quite a few gunshot wounds with blood all over him but at the end of the movie he is going home to get some rest cause he has been crashing cars for three days straight through 18 gunfights. They are carting off the dead bodys as he heads for home, walking past the wreckage.

What can we expect from a society that is fed this unrealistic, violent crap?

What they should see is what really happens after you get shot or when you shoot somebody, beat up somebody or steal something. What you go through after you get pregnant and have to raise a child on your own or get jail time. Reality and the real consequences of making the wrong choices is what kids should be exposed to, not this garbage they call entertainment, it is poison. It is the exact opposite of all that is good and healthy for society.