The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101030   Message #2036388
Posted By: GUEST,Scary Kerry
26-Apr-07 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Fact: It is on the record (see Mineta's testimony above) that Cheney was making the command decisions on 9/11. He was issuing orders regarding the handling of the "hijacked" planes.

Cheney was asked if the order still stands, and he said it did. He was asked more than once. If it had been a shoot-down order, he would not have been asked more than once. The aide asked more than once because the order was unusual. Of course it was. An order to let a hijacked plane reach its target violated half a century of NORAD protocol. That's the opinion of the foremost authority on this subject, David Ray Griffin (link above). Show me an analysis of Cheney's actions that credibly contradicts Griffin's.