The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101099   Message #2036854
Posted By: Sliding Down The Bannister At My Auntie's House
27-Apr-07 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cures for hiccups?
Subject: RE: BS: Cures for hiccups?
Right - CONCENTRATE - you love hiccups! you just did one a few seconds ago ... when is the next one going to happen? you're not sure - but try and do it soon CONCENTRATE on hiccuping - imagine that you are going to get paid £100 for every hiccup - CONCENTRATE - when is the next one going to come? You love hiccupping, the sensation is so good! When the next one comes you will savoutr it and analyse every sensation in your throat that the wonderful hiccup gives you... when will the next one come - please I must hiccup!

This method of positive concentration works for hiccups and also will work for spasmodic pains.