The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101144   Message #2036902
Posted By: GUEST,Heed
27-Apr-07 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice For England, English protest songs
Subject: JusticeForEngland, English protest songs
There is a demonstration that is taking place in Central London on May the 1st that is of striking significance in England. A group of English men and women have got together to protest against the union of Britain. Their discontent covers many issues, but they are an outward display of the simmering discontent from more and more English people over this government and it's perceived disregard of the English. I firstly want to shamelessly plug this demonstration and wonder whether there are any sympathisers here (or not for that matter), and, perhaps more relevantly, ask whether this discontent is beginning to appear in the folk songs of England, whether you agree with it or not. Is anybody writing about any of the following?

- West Lothian question (aka denying democracy and self determination to the English, but allowing it for the other home nations).
- Cancer drugs being denied the English.
- The Barnett formula.
- English having to pay for prescription charges.
- English students having to pay for student top up fees.
- English schools having to teach Britishness lessons, when other nations schools do not.
- England being split up into regions.
- A Scottish constituency soon-to-be pm that decides English only legislation, but can't decide Scottish policy because it is handled by the Scottish parliament.
- Ditto for ministries like health and education.
- Being told that the English don't exist as a nation.

If you are interested in the demonstration taking place then you can view more details here:

Thank you.