The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101144   Message #2037134
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
27-Apr-07 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice For England, English protest songs
Subject: RE: JusticeForEngland, English protest songs
No I don't. I EMPLOY words like 'xenophobic' and 'fascist' because I know how to spell them and because, in the context of English national identity they are apposite. And I don't criticise poor grammar and spelling as a substitute for debate but to emphasise that those who cannot be arsed to use the language correctly make it extremely difficult (as in this case) to determine just what (if anything) they are on about. Thatcher is to blame for many things but I hardly think a person's inadequacy of expression is anything but their own fault.

And you suppose wrongly that I think anything of the sort about those to whom you ascribe an opinion about a Knightley song. Most people know that musically, I myself consider Roots mediocre and lyrically, socially divisive bordering on racist. I don't actually know what any of the people you list (with the exception of Mike Harding, ha!) think about it, nor am I bothered. (Though I'm pretty damn sure Mr Bragg doesn't prefer it to his own song . . . )

In fact you miss the point entirely (why doesn't that surprise me in a forum where actually reading the thread is an option rarely exercised?) I am objecting to the publicising of a reactionary demonstration on Mayday of all days in an inappropriate forum. Though since it IS here (and apparently here to stay, I'm taking the opportunity to warn against the danger of the misappropriation of English music by those unfit to touch it.