The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101144   Message #2037561
Posted By: GUEST,heed
27-Apr-07 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Justice For England, English protest songs
Subject: RE: Justice For England, English protest songs
Well, I posted he thread to cover two themes. One the aspect of the rise of the contemporary english protest movement and it's manifestation in the justice for english march, and secondly whether this movement has any expression in contemporary music, whether you agree with it or not. I made it clear at the start that it was about those two themes, and admitted that it may be a litle cheeky to combine the two. I should have put them in separate threads and for that i am sorry.

The issue of the the expression of english identity is not going to go away. If any thing it will only get louder. I believe that on the whole the issues that are raised by the justice for england march are fair and just. The suggestion that it is related to facism is utterly rubbish. Some people on this thread have used the concept of facism so as to cheapen it's actual meaning. This is counter - productive in my opinion as it blinds us to the real dangers of facism, and denys people from expresing moderate opionions for fear of being branded a fascist.

I have some sympathy with people who want to guard against folk music being used by some political groups. There is a danger that it can be a powerful tool for the far right and this needs to be challenged. Although i find countess quite dificult, i think he/she is right in warning against it. I only wish he/she would open his/her mind a bit more to the fact that folk music can and has been a legitimate expression for many other political groups or indviduals whether you agree with them or not.

I though the coments by jim maclean was fair, and speaking as an englishman i think that it shows that we can be good neighbours, rather that surly roommates. This is th future of our countries in my opinion. But i may be wrong. i often am.

I hope i haven't caused too much offence with the contents of my post and I am sorry for breaking any conventions for the use of the mudcat forum.