The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439   Message #203757
Posted By: Escamillo
30-Mar-00 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
I'm here since July 99, but didn't post to the old thread, so this is my curriculum vitae:
Born 1946 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Systems Analyst, married 1972 to Graciela who still loves me and feeds me, three sons Mariano(25), Javier(23) and Andrés(17) (for a date with any of them please fill the form), visited USA many times but unfortunately before I knew Mudcatters' existence.
I live in the Queen of The Silver River (Buenos Aires), the land of tango, romance and tragedy where everybody pretends to be a singer, in front of a river so wide that you, from the plane, will beleive that the ocean changed to golden color and there's no river at all. Not a folk singer, just for ignorance of that magnificent music, but trying now traditionals and negro spirituals with good success in small stages, not professionally.
A fairly educated voice, I regularly step on large stages as a tenor in a large choir (this year I joined the Wagnerian Association of Buenos Aires, the highest level of non-full-time singers), so my emotions oscillate between Wagner, Newton´s Amazing Grace, Dvorak, Foster´s songs, Bach, negro spirituals and Mahler. Good mix.
Played classical guitar for some years. Learning lots of interesting things and making excellent friends at the Mudcat, to whom I´m deeply grateful, I´m always at your orders on the subject of Latin American folk or classics.
Un abrazo (a hug) - Andrés Magré