The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101144   Message #2038111
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
28-Apr-07 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Justice For England, English protest songs
Subject: RE: Justice For England, English protest songs
No, no, no, not a 'contessa'. Absolutely nothing Italian about Child #68. But why waste breath/finger power on explaining Young Hunting? Look it up yourself.
This thread began with someone posting details of a march organised by extremely dubious right-wing sources which I would have liked to see removed on the grounds of decency.
Everyone who has looked at the links is now aware of the disgusting Freedom Association/Tebbit connections.
'No platform for racists and fascists', remember that from the 70s?
Those who haven't given the site more than a cursory glance appear afflicted with a literary deficiency which equates the appearance of the word 'fascist' leaping from the page as a reference to them.
This may, of course, be a case of 'if the cap fits' . . . who knows?
So, no, it is not 'only one vote against this particular march'.
Anyone concerned for the diversity of our society and indeed of 'English' music is opposed to this sort of threat to it and other civil liberties, and many have said so here.
Not only is the post from 'JohnB' above lamentably inaccurate but it gives rise to serious concern about just where he is coming from.