The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101181   Message #2038270
Posted By: Ebbie
28-Apr-07 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ham Sandwich Debacle
Subject: RE: BS: Ham Sandwich Debacle
I agree with those who think that this should have been addressed within the school system. Possibly the Somali student/family involved the law?

I am not vegetarian but lately I have realized that some of those who disapprove viscerally (no pun intended) of devouring other beings may not only be dismayed by the idea but also be revulsed to the point of nausea by the odors involved in handling and cooking meat. Just possibly they have the same reaction to meat, per se, that we "normal" people would have to cannibalism. Just possibly these people are the frontrunners of a complete turnaround in the diets of the world.

I dunno.