The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101181   Message #2038375
Posted By: heric
28-Apr-07 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ham Sandwich Debacle
Subject: RE: BS: Ham Sandwich Debacle
I have just had the unpleasant experience of reviewing news items.

But they did lead me to the first, mainstream article on the subject, from the local Lewiston paper:

One kid has been suspended. The police are investigating. (I still think, however, that the A-G probably requested that, after the school officials filed a required report with the A-G.)

Still, the entire story arises from white kids taunting Somali immigrant kids based on their religion (and perhaps race.) The school officials are the ones taking action. One may think that ham should not be so upsetting,* but this incident is not, by any stretch of the imagination, an example of Muslims trying to force sharia on the Western World.

* Don't forget pig's head rolling in houses of worship. It is integral to the story.