The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2038408
Posted By: Barry Finn
28-Apr-07 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
So if a women is poor she's to stupid to make her own judgement call? We should put them all in seperate cell blocks? We should direct the direction of they're poor stupid life? What slippery slope do you live on? We should also include stupid single poor fathers too, from those women that live off them. Let's marry them all off to each other. Call it speed matching no need for the idiots to bother picking out their own spouses we'll do the picking for them & then place them where we want, maybe we can put them into a neat little sweat shop & futher take hold of how they live. You have no call or right to demand how one chooses to live but you can offer them a free education so they'll know better than just how to live with someone. Offer up some child care along with the education while giving them a check to get them by untill they're on their feet or do they need to have good working feet first?
Lay off with the stipulations & get on with more real assistance, like I said above, free health care, child care, free education, meaningfull job training/counsuling/placement. Give them more than a check, give them the farm & show them how to run it & then they'll produce!
