The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100239   Message #2038497
Posted By: bubblyrat
29-Apr-07 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: Second Joke Thread for 2007
Subject: RE: Second Joke Thread for 2007
A new vicar arrived in town, and was settling down in the vicarage. One morning, there was a knock at the door. It was a window cleaner, looking for business. “Oh! Yes! Great!” said the vicar. “The Bishop will be calling round later to see how I’m getting on. He’s bound to be impressed!”
    So the window-cleaner gets to work, and it takes some time, as the vicarage is quite large. Eventually, he reaches the last window, a little round one high up in the roof. As he looks through the glass, he is amazed to see the vicar, sitting naked in front of his PC, watching a porno film and masturbating! Climbing back down his ladder, he rings the doorbell, and, after a delay, a rather breathless vicar appears. “I’ve finished, Reverend,” he says. “Good man,” says the vicar. “How much do I owe you?”
    “Five hundred pounds!” says the window-cleaner!
    “Don’t be ridiculous!” says His Reverence. “I’m not paying that!”
    “OK !” says the cleaner, “but I wonder what your new parishioners will say if I tell them what you get up to in that little room upstairs?” So the vicar pays up!
    Later that day, the Bishop arrives.
    “Hello!” he says -”Settling in all right, are we? I must say, the vicarage looks very clean. The windows look spotless! It’s so difficult to find a good window-cleaner these days. How much did yours charge you?”
    “Five hundred pounds!” says the vicar.
    “Five hundred pounds!” exclaims the Bishop. “He must have seen you coming!”