The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101144   Message #2038507
Posted By: The Sandman
29-Apr-07 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice For England, English protest songs
Subject: RE: Justice For England, English protest songs
no, anything that is linked to the freedom association,has got to be scrutinised carefully.
TheFreedom association are supporters of the conservative party,they clearly believe that an English parliament will result in a conservative victory,if this happens you can forget about pensioners getting an increase,English students being treated fairly.
O and since until quite recently they were the Conservative and unionist party,their policies on ulster need to be looked at carefully.
SOME supporters of this may be genuine PATRIOTS[and not xenophobes] and not HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES,but the freedom association is a strange bedfellow to be working with.,you may also find your movenment gets infiltrated by the British Nationalist party.,and the freedom association.
the new party back in the 1930 s,was eventuallytaken over by Sir Oswald Mosley,and became aFASCIST PARTY.