The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101144   Message #2038607
Posted By: Ruth Archer
29-Apr-07 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice For England, English protest songs
Subject: RE: Justice For England, English protest songs
Oh dear.

Having finally looked at the Justice for England website, I find it makes for uncomfortable reading.

I repeat my earlier assertion: supporting Englishness does not mean having to set it up in opposition to other cultures. This whole notion that the English are somehow oppressed by multiculturalism and Scottish and Welsh nationalism, that their rights are being eroded, is not only ridiculous, but it's also the thin end of the wedge. I'm sorry, but these are the insidious tactics used by the far right to make their politics appear more acceptable.

No, there is nothing wrong with being proud to be English. There is nothing wrong with trying to enthuse other English people about their culture and traditions. But all this "Our way of life is threatened" stuff scares me. It's the politics of seige and paranoia, and a completely different kettle of fish to the notion of supporting English culture in positive, non-confrontational ways.