The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101110   Message #2038612
Posted By: Scotus
29-Apr-07 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: bagpipes in the US
Subject: RE: Folklore: bagpipes in the US
My original query was deliberately about an older and solo tradition, although I'm certainly aware of the plethora of police and fire dept bands around the US - and that also intrigues me. As does the solo piper playing 'Flooers o the Forest' at 'heid bummers' funerals.

However I really think that Marc has hit gold - I should have realised that by the time I'm talking about the pipes had mostly become a military instrument and put into a band context. Although that wouldn't be true of Italian or French bagpipes.

IMy thread title was chosen to confine the discussion to the US dimension as I had thought including Canada would just over complicate things.
