The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101144   Message #2039332
Posted By: GUEST,heed
30-Apr-07 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice For England, English protest songs
Subject: RE: Justice For England, English protest songs
You know, you only have to look at the national press at the moment to see them raising the same issues as the demo. The following articles from the independent,Sky News, and the Financial Times,(all respected media organisations) do this. Are they fascists?

Tartan takeover: The rise of the Scotocracy
quote: 'English nationalism is the dog that hasn't barked yet," Mr Stenhouse warned. "If we have this extraordinary situation where a Scot is prime minister, and the SNP is running Scotland, then I think the dog will start barking very loudly.'

Exploring The North South Divide
quote: "differences in public spending in Scotland and England mean a family could be thousands of pounds out of pocket just because the live the wrong side of the River Tweed ... The so-called Barnett formula is blamed for the inequality in public spending, and even its creator has called for it to be reformed. "

Union blues
"Victory for the SNP would also have a major impact on England – fuelling English nationalism and intensifying demands that the people who form the majority within the UK should also contemplate breaking away from their neighbours. ... the UK parliament gives the Scottish minority a far more generous financial settlement than it does to the English. Scottish university students pay no tuition fees. The elderly in Scotland get free long-term care. So south of the border the question is increasingly asked: what's in it for us?"

Do you still think all of us are fascists? Anti-unionists may be a more accurate description.