The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101230   Message #2039422
Posted By: Donuel
30-Apr-07 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: DC Madam
Subject: BS: DC Madam
The DC Madam, arrested for running the premium Washington DC escort service has given ABC her little black book of phone numbers.

The first loyal Bushie to resign for using the service was George Bush's Abstinence Czar in charge of Aids awarness.

She threatened to sell her records to pay for her defense but the goverment played tough. So she gave it away and will get a public defender.

If you go to a DC event and see the old guy with a Cosmo girl with all the moves you assume she is his escort. These guys won't go to the Kennedy Center alone so more ower to them. Then there are the guys who just want a massage at home.

Now uptight Republicans in this town are going to be more uptight than ever.
As the media massages this story I don;t expect any happy endings.