The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100142   Message #2039817
Posted By: Commander Crabbe
30-Apr-07 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: Whitby FILO Folk - 1st Saturday
Subject: RE: Whitby FILO Folk - 1st Saturday

Drat the secret's out. We is all fine. further to Gnomad's post.

Picture 1: L-R Lynn, Curragh (The Cereal Folksinger)
Picture 2: As per Gnomad says
Picture 3: Shadow is Paul Green, Val (soon to be Mrs Crabbe), Mick Green et al
Picture 4: As per Gnomad says
Picture 5: Back L-R Cdr Crabbe, Brenda ?, Colin?, Michael (Local drinker)Front L-R Charlie Stu, Valmai Brown, Val, Raggytash and Wombat.