The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101236   Message #2040134
Posted By: George Papavgeris
01-May-07 - 04:51 AM
Thread Name: Fol di Rol etc.
Subject: RE: Fol di Rol etc.
I think that's just contemporary songwriters, Tom, that want everything to make sense (I have yet to write a "tra-la-la" chorus, pray god I never will). My guess is that in the old days, with fewer instruments available, nonsense words might have played the part that an instrumental bridge would today. And sounds would be chosen for effect as much as anything - "ling" has a kind of ring to it, for example.

Neither is the art of nonsense words in song forgotten today; take scat-singing for example. Now, we know for a fact there was no ancient language behind that one, as it was invented in our times, so to speak.