The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101236 Message #2040159
Posted By: Waddon Pete
01-May-07 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: Fol di Rol etc.
Subject: RE: Fol di Rol etc.
Good thread. Here's my sixpennyworth!
Some of the mouth music style choruses are just such fun to sing that it is possible that the singers just sang them out of sheer exuberance (a bit like individual instruments taking the lead in an instrumental session. Perhaps such choruses were to show of a singer's prowess?
Or... because there were not enough verses to go round and it was a great tune?
Or...because they disguised risque or seditious words that might have caused trouble if they got out?
Or...perhaps the source singer forgot the words, improvised and became a legend in his own lunchtime?