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Thread #101030   Message #2040476
Posted By: GUEST,Scary Kerry
01-May-07 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
So, let's recap:

*Explosions inside WTC 7 before the twin towers came down

*Cops telling people to get back because they're going to bring down the building

*The BBC reporting 23 minutes before it came down that the building had fallen (past tense)

*After a perfectly-controlled demolition at free-fall speed, where the building falls into its own footprint, the lease-holder says he made the decision to "pull" the building. "Pull" is a demolition industry term meaning "demolish"

*It would have taken days or weeks to plant the charges needed for a perfect demolition, but only 8 hours elapsed between the attacks and the collapse of WTC 7

*Photographic evidence shows minimal fires coming from the windows of WTC 7, but WTC 5 & 6 are consumed in flames and never fall (plus, WTC 7 is much more reinforced than 5 & 6 -- WTC 7 is the mayor's "command bunker" and may have been the most reinforced civilian building in the world)

*The government's Safety organization NIST has as of this date changed its "reason" for the collapse of WTC 7 six different times.

*The 9/11 Commission did not even mention the collapse of WTC 7 in its "final" report

*John Kerry says WTC 7 was intentionally brought down for safety reasons

*If you question the story outlined above, you are arrested by the government that benefitted from the terrorist attacks. See video below: