The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2040778
Posted By: Bobert
01-May-07 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Hey, listen, apl... It ain't me that keeps bringin' them up... It's you... Reread ***your*** responses to my postings over the last several days and guess what??? Give??? Seems everytimwe I post anything and come back a day later ***you*** have brought up the dpprs yet again so I have been responding to you...

BTW, I have a full time job so I don't sit 24/7 infront of a computer sop that does give you an opportunity to post on the avergae of 2 to 3 times between me havin' any pudder time...

If anyone is tryin' to highjack this, as well as many other threads, it's you... Look up "projection" in yer ol' Psch 201 text book...

But it ain't all about doors but independent contarctors who hire folks who are one ot two pay checksd away from rock bottom... If a supplier decides that I'm not as important as "Boss Hog Builders, Inc" and sends my doors to "Boss Hog Builders, Inc." then guess who get hurt???

No, don't guess 'cause you wouldn't have a clue... My workers, that is who... Right now, I'm havin' to take other smaller jobs just to keep my guys employed while I wait for the doors that I ordered before 'Boss HOg Builders, Inc" who butted in line because they could...

My guys are poor... Dirt friggin' poor... I'm having to hustle my butt off to find anyhting to keep a few beans on their family's tables...

This is a reality that you, Dickey, have no knowledge of since you are all comfy being able to be on a computer almosy any time you want while real working people are oput there working...

That, my friend, is reality...

You think it's okay for the "Boss Hogs" of the world to butt in line, cheat and buy into a governemnt that makes the rules...

No, would you like to respond to the maet and taters of my last post rather than divert attention away from a serious proposal that you would rather not have to contend with because it involves ideas that would go a long way toward elliminating poverty???
