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Thread #101030   Message #2040817
Posted By: GUEST,Scary Kerry
01-May-07 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Well bless you, Ebbie. You said "if" when talking about 9/11. My work here has not been in vain.

That video is really just an example of what America's going to become BECAUSE of 9/11. Those cops are doing what they do best...behave like thugs. And if it's not stopped, they'll be looking over your shoulder 24/7 before long making sure YOU toe the line. The entire American economy is shifting to the phony "war on terrorism" because of 9/11. Look at the disgusting link below:

I mean, today we have admitted "illegals" parading around America flaunting their illegality (today, May 1), but why are they even HERE if there's a real threat of terrorism? Why are the Mexican and Canadian borders so totally open if our govt wants to "protect" us from terrorists?

As far as prominent people saying 9/11 was an inside job, here's a link to a bunch who say it was:

More and more people come out with evidence every week. Professors publish papers, the research goes on, but the mainstream media doesn't report it because they're owned by the government that benefits from the terrorism. Rosie O'Donnell talks about WTC 7 not being struck by a plane, and she's out of a job a month later. Eventually the truth will out, but it's a slow process. Meanwhile, the federal govt (Democrats and Republicans) are going to continue selling the myth of 9/11 so that they can retain their stranglehold on power.

Wesley S. -- The neo-cons in charge of the federal govt nowadays are Trotskyite communists. They began taking over the Republican party in the 1960's and now control it. For an explanation of what neo-cons are, you can go to this link:

The communists in America learned during the "Red Scares" that they could best operate in small groups unaware of each other. Applied to the 9/11 scenario, that would mean maybe 5-6 people knew the overall details of the operation. All they had to do to pull it off was make sure everyone else followed Standard Operating Procedure on the day of the attacks. There would be a larger number than the 5-6 needed to plant explosives, and probably MI-6 and the Mossad were used there. The CIA has historically done dirty work for them, and they've reciprocated. Been that way for decades. So some "foreign assets" were probably used to plant the bombs that would kill Americans, then the ringleaders just gave a green light.

As far as WTC 7, I expect if the truth is ever made known about it, the building was always wired for demolition. It was the regional headquarters of the CIA, FBI, BATF, SEC, etc., and the govt can claim it HAD to be wired in case it was ever "compromised." But there are thousands of government-issued gag orders in place now, so the truth about WTC 7 will probably never come out. It's a hell of a smoking gun when it comes to coverup, though. The govt has changed its story repeatedly concerning what happened at WTC 7, and none of those changes were made because of new "findings"--they were made because of new accusations.

And Bill D. -- Of course the BBC said they were wrong to report the collapse early. It was a major screwup. Major. Of COURSE they were wrong. lol

The latest WTC 7 development (the report by Housing Authority worker Barry Jennings) is just the latest in a continuing stream of evidence that continues to come out. The 9/11 Commission Report doesn't even mention WT7, but it's become anecdotal that it was "damaged by debris from the collapse of the towers." Wrong. An employee in the building just destroyed that timeline.

So refer me again to the Popular Mechanics bits about WTC 7. Popular Mechanics is a Hearst Publication (link to Wikipedia "Yellow Journalism" entry below):

Refer me to the debunked Popular Mechics "debunking" piece and tell me again how WTC 7 fell. NONE of the points I've made have been "discredited" by your "expert" Benjamin Chertoff (cousin of Homeland Security "Czar" Michael Chertoff). No serious-thinking person takes that nonsense literally. The Chertoff piece is just a bunch of footnotes for the Myth. The Chertoffs, Bushes, Clintons, Kennedys, etc. benefit from bigger big govt. Don't let them make a chump out of you.