The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101270   Message #2041068
Posted By: Betsy
02-May-07 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: Station Inn Whitby (renamed Tap & Spile)
Subject: RE: Station Inn Whitby
There's a few boozers called the Tap and Spile up in North East Yorks - there's certainly one in Guisborough - I wonder if they belong to a little chain."They" generally bought pubs which were not doing very well - and put in real ales.
The Cutty Sark and many many others were not welcoming to folkies in the 70's / 80's until they had a rethink and realised how much the folkies were spending. Also in those days, money was tight in Whitby
Geoff has got me there - usually I can remember which pub sold what -so I'll not doubt his Camerons, but it could have been Sam Shits or Whitbread , but let's go with Camerons.
Btw , Butcher Beeching didn't get Whitby - there has always been a timetabled / scheduled journey between Middlesbrough and Whitby and what a great little journey it is once you get out of the Boro.
I say THAT with intimimate knowledge of the Boro - so no knocking too much please !
Anyhow the Station is !!!!