The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101270   Message #2041107
Posted By: GUEST,MC Fat
02-May-07 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: Station Inn Whitby (renamed Tap & Spile)
Subject: RE: Station Inn Whitby
Cameron got a foothold in the North Yorkshire region by buying a Malton Brewery (I think it was Rose's) that's why there was a large contingent of Camerons Pubs in Whitby. Camerons then went through a colourfull array of owners after the Cameron family sold it - Elerman Lines and eventually to the corrupt Slater Walker group who promptly assett stripped sold off pubs started cahins like Tap and Spile before the rump of the company being sold to Wolverhampton and Dudley who when under threat by the Stock market sold it off to Castle Eden which in itself was a management buyout from Whitbread.