The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101256   Message #2042038
Posted By: Hawker
03-May-07 - 05:22 AM
Thread Name: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Well! Folk clubs demise eh?
The Bude Folk Club re-opened its doors on Sunday 22nd April 2007, and has moved from The Globe To The Falcon in Bude. There has been a need for a club ever since the last club died, but the porblem was getting someone to run it and getting a venue. The Carriage room at The Falcon is ideal and has great acoustics.
Our first gathering had people from 11 to 78, all joining in. Some sang, some played and some just listened.
Once again in this thread, I see the discussion about whether it is right or wrong to sing with the words in front of you. I have been to many performances by prfessional musicians and singers, singing non-folk. They always have their music and their words in front of them and nobody condemns them for doing so, why do the folkies seem to think its so wrong?. For me, it matters not if they have their words/music in front of them,, what maters more is that its not the first time they have sung it, and that they are familiar with the words, flow and feel of the song and the tune. There is nothing worse than someone squinting and mis-reading words that dont scan in performance, as they have not practised or prepared beforehand. As an aide memoir I'd rather see words in front of them than see someone spend 10 minutes dying in front of an audience as they try desperately to remember the missing verse!
Perhaps I am just more forgiving than the average folkie!
Bude Folk Club next meets 13th May and you can bring your words if you like!
Cheers, Lucy