The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101256   Message #2042223
Posted By: GUEST,wordy
03-May-07 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
I think the Countess is the reason for the decline in folk clubs. When I started going in the 60's there were none of her type about. It was a happy, anything goes, join in, write it, listen, play, have a pint, find a partner, laugh, cry, sort of scene. Then, over the years, people got older and the Countess and her ilk emerged. Critical, puritanical, dictatorial etc, and they began to take over clubs. As most of us on here would not contemplate spending an evening with the foul mouthed woman she is, so people didn't want to spend time in venues where her type were exercising their power.
She's not the only one, but the "NO" sayers have driven many of the "YES" sayers away.
They deserve each other in their in-growing groups where they squabble over trivialities.
Thankfully, there are still one or two places where happy, anything goes, join in, write it, listen, play, have a pint, find a partner, laugh, cry, people go for a night out, but they are few.
Worth finding though, and please, don't tell Countess where they are!!