The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100192   Message #2042461
Posted By: Pioden
03-May-07 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: I Gorra Fiddle!
Subject: RE: Folklore: I Gorra Fiddle!
Yes, I, also strongly recommend working with a real live fiddler/violinist that can observe you and correct bad habits before they begin.
That being said, in between, or until you find someone to teach you, LISTEN, not only to your notes, but to your body. If it hurts, there's probably a better way to do it. My dad said to me a few years back, "Nat, you've forgotten how much of a contortionists position playing violin/viola is." The biggest thing I can say to prevent problems is to be sure to stretch your arms/shoulders/torso through full range of motion, and shake out your hands, stretching each finger individually, at the end of each practice session, at least, and several times through out if you're playing longer. And, remain as relaxed as you can while maintaining position. Don't over clench anything. Play in front of a mirror, watch videos of violinists on Youtube , or wherever you can find them, and compare how you look to how they look.   A friend sent me this link, check it out, it's fun.
There are words for lightly row, they're just so many versions. The Suzuki method (of violin teaching)uses this piece, and the first set of lyrics comes from one of their pages:
Lightly Row, lightly row,
O'er the shining waves we go!
Smoothly glide, smoothly glide,
on the silent changing tide.

Let the winds and waters be,
still and calm and clear to see.
Drift and float we, drift and float in-,
side our little sailing boat.

Or another version goes:

lightly row, softly row,
on the glassy waves we go.
softly glide, smoothly ride,
on the quiet tide.

let the wind and waters be
mingled with our harmony,
sing and float, hum and float,
in our little boat.

I think there are many, many versions, I haven't been able to figure out where it originated, or what the original lyrics are, but I'm sure someone knows.
I'm glad you're still enjoying your Fiddle,