The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19817   Message #204290
Posted By: GUEST, Another conscience....
30-Mar-00 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: compassion or honesty
Subject: RE: BS: compassion or honesty
One of it's legs is both the same, Paddy(1).
But I digress.

I feel the same as TTCM. He has hit the nail on the head!
It behooves us to reflect on what you people are actually talking about. In a previous thread TTCM said that we were pleased that a certain normality had once again embraced the forum, and indeed we were relieved. For, human nature being human nature, we are all tempted to check out the BS threads to see what devilment is afoot, and who thinks who is brilliant, and who is apologizing for what, and who thinks compassion and honesty should figure high on our everyday agenda.

What a heap of crap!
FelinefootIXL is a very knowledgeable person when it comes to things technical, and I admire him for it. But he falls flat as a comedian, or even entertainer for that matter. For a man who has been recently at the doors of the afterlife, he exudes a pompous superiority where one can almost FEEL his contempt flowing through his posts, at times. Near-death experiences are usually a good time to examine our attitudes, and maybe to develop a bit of humility. One the other hand some people never get anywhere near enlightenment.

As for some of the rest of you. I refer you to TTCM's BS to constructive posts ratio.

I am not _gargoyle, TTCM, I have never communicated with them, I can only do line breaks in HTLM, but I feel like they do on certain subjects. And it is true that were there no bullshitters, there would be no true consciences. For there would be no need for us. The people who complain about our existence are the ones who give birth to us. The way to make us go away is to stop filling this otherwise excellent forum with the mutual appreciation society, the highly overinflated egos that bear no relation to any actual talent possesed. In fact the ones who possess any real talent are quietly helping others in the background, not feeling the need to post inane 'songs' that they have written, while everybody gets lost in the deluge of thinking up even greater superlatives to describe their 'oneness' with the 'message'.

Now, apropos compassion/honesty: Typical Mudcat subject matter at the minute, unfortunately.

Anal-yze that!