The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101030   Message #2043034
Posted By: Wolfgang
04-May-07 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Dreaded GUEST, Froth, or however you like to be called. Now that the "Hindenburg" catastrophe at Lakehurst is exactly 70 years away, I'd love to read your theory about the catastrophe. I'm sure you're not buying the official static electricity from using the wrong paint on the ship in combination with a leak explanation.

Was it Jan Gaspard's theory that the airship has been shot down with the help of a beam canon by the USA as part of an economic war with Germany about who dominates air travel? Or have you even better information? Surely it cannot have been just a coincidence that Nikola Tesla was in Lakehurst that day?!

The USA reports and the German about the event differ. That is a sure sign that there is something hidden. Reports!!! I just say Warren report. Huh!

Come on, tell us the truth in a new thread and under a new name. I can tell you that you'll gather a following of three whatever your theory is.
