The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101256   Message #2043046
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
04-May-07 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Patronising git.

I give out (or have done) information and speak of what I know.
It's really too bad if some (largely anonymous) loudmouths have a different agenda to push.
Not that I'm saying they shouldn't, just that to try and dismiss and obscure facts with holier-than-thou opinion is counter-productive to say the least.

It's interesting (or perhaps not) that male contributors presenting conclusions similar to my own are accepted (or at least ignored) by the mouths whereas I am hounded with irrelevant sexist crap about how they imagine that I relate (or not) to male punters and performers, to the extent that some women (not me) might be cyber-intimidated.
So the wordymouth has done 2,000 gigs? Might have seen him (I know it's a bloke) then. But he certainly doesn't know me. Indeed there are but three contributors to this thread who do and not well at that. But what I do/have done is generally known to anyone doing a minimum amount of research (or merely read the thread) and not merely content to fire off a stream of clichés that serve only to illustrate that this is precisely what has not occurred.

I have a lot to offer Mudcat? No, I haven't. I say what needs to be said from too many years of experience. Read it or not, see if I care. But lay off the ignorant sexist putdowns. Not clever or big, but most importantly, totally OFF TOPIC.