The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101256   Message #2043353
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
04-May-07 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
What was it I said several posts back about the literacy deficiency of those who skim threads, pick out one word in 19 on a good day then post entirely non-contextual bollocks?

I despair of the blusterings and squirmings that some backwoodsmalepersons stoop to in attempts to 'justify' the crass and demeaningly proprietory manner in which they perceive women. (And even more so, any woman who, apparently willingly, acquiesces to this insulting behaviour, c.f. thread entitled Best thing seen in a folk club).

Albeit, doubtless, possessors of the appropriate anatomical equipment, these aren't 'men'. I dislike them intensely and feel the utmost contempt towards them. They deserve every word and more I have directed towards them. But this is in no way makes me a 'manhater'. When an actual man is a sensitive and supportive human being, I admire him greatly (not that I expect very many on this forum to understand this).

What I have said above about venues and what occurs in them stems from experience (in a variety of capacities) spanning (ahem) around 40 years. One would have hoped that male attititudes to women, especially in a trad music environment, would have improved (Lincolnshire evidently excepted). Everyone with whom I associate musically nowadays is, fortunately, unafflicted with attitudes prevalent on this forum.

A few people on this thread know me (or at least who I am) and have acknowledged whatever small contribution I have made to the dissemination of trad music. Thank you for your support. It's a disgrace that it was necessary, but for the sake of the music, thanks anyway.