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Thread #101030   Message #2043572
Posted By: GUEST,Scary Kerry
04-May-07 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
When I start threads now, the ones on mudcat are stricken. So I usually just insert the information into the most closely related ongoing discussion.

The "hijackers" were FBI operatives. There are even rental receipts showing an FBI agent roomed with some of them. The "hijackers" were run through some flight schools to give their flying "skills" some believability, lots of schools and military bases taught them various things...all public record.

So, there they are on 9/11, rushing to get on their planes for another drill, but then the planes are taken over by remote guidance systems. If you think this can't be done, then give me the name of just ONE of those little pilots who fly cruise missiles.

The U.S. govt is not duly elected. Our voting system has been compromised to the point that gangsters are now being inserted into the White House and into other positions of power. So how do you think they'll behave, like saints? They're freakin' gangsters. They do what comes natural. They kill for power. Only, THIS group is under orders from the World Bank to destroy America. They're doing it by debasing the currency, destroying our military in wars intended to make us unpopular internationally, and...etc. I've sung this tune before. Their brass ring, though, is going to be the nuking of Iran. That country just announced that its nuclear plants are now all online, so that means that if the U.S. bombs them, they'll melt down. 17 plants in Iran, 17 Chernobyls resulting from the U.S. nuking a country in an act of sheer aggression. The world can't stand by and let that happen. The U.S. will have to be put down like a mad dog. We'll get the Nazi Germany treatment, and it'll all be on account of the American public didn't have the gumption to deal with a rogue government.

Things are bad, folks, and it didn't get this way because 19 buffoons with box cutters dashed from the titty bars to the passenger jets praising Allah. Wake up.

Hindenburg, no opinion.

Validity of Griffin's book--the guy's a theologian, among other things. He may be making a buck, but then it's in a good cause. And this book he wrote as a RESPONSE to a yellow journalism piece (see above). The Popular Mechanics article all the goosesteppers point to as Gospel is pure junk science. Written by the COUSIN of the fascist Homeland Security "Czar." Griffin just refutes the tripe point by point.