The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101181   Message #2043615
Posted By: Peace
04-May-07 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ham Sandwich Debacle
Subject: RE: BS: Ham Sandwich Debacle
Many years ago a wise judge--I know that may seem an oxymoron to some people--decided that some kids who'd defaced a beit knesset with spray-painted swastikas should find out the magnitude of what they'd done. With the help of the rebbe, they had to research and do a fairly large research essay on the history of the Jews with emphasis on the Holocaust. If I recall correctly, there were four youths involved. They had two months and they did as the judge ordered. The tale does not end with any of them converting to the Jewish faith, but of their own volition they requested the right to address the people whose house of assembly they'd desecrated. Wearing yarmulkes they stood in front of the people they'd offended and apologized.

There are times a ham sandwich is more than a ham sandwich. There are times when people make really stupid choices. There is certainly enough blame to go around. And unless the tone changes on this thread, the same will be said of it. Reason vacates the mind when emotion governs the gut.