The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101373   Message #2044159
Posted By: Jim Lad
05-May-07 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: Prosecution of students pirating music
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
There was a time when you didn't want to do a full grocery run, you would go down to the corner shop. You'd walk in the door and come face to face with the salesperson who stood behind the counter.
The impulse buys such as cakes and chocolate bars were on display, between the grocer & yourself and the rest of the goods were on shelves which ran from floor to ceiling and were all far beyond the reach of the customer. You simply placed your order, the shopkeeper filled it and the goods were exchanged for money. End of transaction.
Other than the odd confection, nothing was within reach of the shoplifter.
Some time in the sixties (in Scotland) the Supermarkets made their debut. Layers and layers of goods were neatly arranged in long aisles which were virtually unguarded, save the occasional dome mirror. And so, the professional shoplifter was born.
The Supermarkets of today must accept some responsibility for placing temptation in front of those who, for whatever reason, cannot resist.
So it is with music downloads. If you want to leave your music available for downloading, fine.
But.... Do not expect the authorities to take you seriously when you leave the shop doors open 24 hours a day, with a sign up saying "No body's Home, Please Pay", particularly when at the end of it all What has really been stolen?
Every song (no matter how many illegal copies have been made) is still sitting right on the shelf where the owner left it unguarded.
Share it or sell it, your choice but if you don't want to give it away, lock it up!