The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101395   Message #2044399
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-May-07 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why are we still building with wood
Subject: RE: BS: Why are we still building with wood
Ah...the search for the totally "safe" house goes on. ;-) Okay, here's an idea. Build completely spherical houses made of stainless steel, with an inner lining of some kind of good insulator, and soft inner walls that you can bounce off without hurting yourself. Your stainless steel house will not catch fire nor will it rust. Its bright, shiny surface will reflect the sunlight, helping to reduce summer heat. If there is a flood or a giant tidal wave, you just close all the watertight doors and windows, and your lovely stainless steel spherical house will float safely on the floodwaters until they recede! If a big wind comes along that would knock down any conventional house or tear it apart, your stainless steel house will simply roll merrily along, bouncing off any obstacles it encounters...until the wind abates! If attacked by large animals, the stainless steel surface will repell them with no difficulty. It will need little cleaning, no painting, no roof, and no foundation. It will be your totally safe little self-contained world. Ensconced inside its padded walls, you will be hermetically sealed from the dangers of the outside world and 100% self-sufficient. Equipped with a number of standard plug-in outlets for electricity, water, gas, and other such utilities, the stainless steel house can easily be disconnected from the grid and rolled by hand to any convenient lot and plugged in. Bingo! You're on the grid. Don't like the neighbours? Just roll your house off to a new location.