The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101373   Message #2044508
Posted By: Bee
06-May-07 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: Prosecution of students pirating music
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
I don't download/steal music or images, because I think it is wrong (besides illegal) but I can certainly see why people do. CDs are very expensive; commonly it would be around $18 to $24 for a folk CD with twelve songs on it, six of which I might not like very much. It's very seldom I can afford to indulge myself and buy music. I've also found, in the past couple years, that there are some really poor quality CDs being sold, kind of mushy sounding, a bit like old tapes that have been recorded over too many times. I recently bought a Bluegrass compilation, because it was on sale and had some good musicians on it, and soon found it was barely listenable, the quality was so poor.