The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101395   Message #2044515
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
06-May-07 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why are we still building with wood
Subject: RE: BS: Why are we still building with wood
Problems arise because peopel build the wrong sort of houses in the wrong places,using the wrong off-the-shelf materials and techniques. Wood is a wonderful material for many situations, just not all. If you build any kind of house, specially a wooden one, in an area where forest fires are a normal part of the natural cycle, you're just asking for trouble.

"using precious trees for houses" is only a problem is A) we use virgin forest trees, and don't allow forests to regenerate , and B) if we see houses as short term throwaway items. Houses, whether made of wood or any other material including wood, are meant to last for centuries, and if properly constructed, they do.

The thing about wood is that, if properly looked after, it can be used and reused in all kinds of ways. And of course it is completely bio-degradeable.

The material that ought to be abolished is plastic in virtually all its forms.