The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101373   Message #2045463
Posted By: Barry Finn
07-May-07 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: Prosecution of students pirating music
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
New technology for the music i& recording industry has set this part of the world on fire. Based on the old rules of whoown's & has a right to "Interlectually property" was supposed to benifit the composer & the general public & enhance the creating of the arts. That's a foundation that's been faulty & failing from the start. The thief needs to take the blame but so does the industry & those that govern the industry & those that make the laws pretaining to the industry. The copyright laws are a hold over from a pat that's so far behind the present & so out of line with reality that's the only one benifiting form any of the composers are the big backers & takers & only a handful of the big time names & even they are losing control of their rights & money due them. To blame the artists is to blame the victim. To blame the thief is almost like entrapment with todays technolog. The real thieves aren't the kids downloading, it's the industry's fault for not minding the store when their main focus has been diverted from the store front & the advancement of the artist & their art form to the overwhelming profit, greed & corruption within the industry & it's bed mates that govern thee rules, rights & laws that were first inacted to protect & advance the artists & their art form. The artist & their art has been treated shamefully & they & the public have suffered. Don't through all the blame on the college kid that can't afford to buy their pleasureabe download when they are so far advanced in todays technology, blame those that are making money hand over fist & are even fighting over the scraps that don't belong to them in the first place.
When an artist spends as much time honing his craft as any doctor, lawyer, electrican or plumber does, earning themselves a good name & a good following they deserve the same percentage of their sweat as does any other working person. Would the publishers or producers like to take on artists as a partner when they sell enough? Not in this world! Would the distributors care to share a bit better that an 8 cent cut on what the market? It's no wonder Indies are cropping up like weeds it's reaction to being cut out of the money loop & their deciding to get or take their fair share of what's their's in the first place.
