Heather and I received the sad new of the passing of Lee Haggerty this morning. Lee, along with Sandy and Caroline Paton put the wonderful Folk-Legacy record company together in the early sixties, and although I know something of his history, perhaps Sandy might be able to better tell his story. No hurry though, as I know the Patons' are feeling the loss of their friend deeply at the moment.I only had one long chat with Lee during my many visits to Sharon Ct. over the last 7 years, but it was a good one. He talked enthusiastically about how meeting Sandy changed his life. Sandy can do that you know. I speak from experience. On many occasions though, we'd exchange "hellos" as he pulled his funky old car into the Folk-Legacy drive way to start work on the books.
Our condolences to Sandy and Caroline and Lee's family.
Rick and Heather
Lee Haggerty Memorial at bbc's (click)