The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101113   Message #2046353
Posted By: GUEST,Rick in MI
08-May-07 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Barack The Magic Negro
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Barack The Magic Negro
Has it really gotten to the point that a white person merely mentions anything about race it automatically makes them a racist? So much for free speech huh? They interviewed Obama on our local Rush affiliate here and, when asked said he wasn't offended by the song. So, if the guy who the song was written about isn't offended... why the hell should anyone else be? Rush wasn't even making fun of Obama, he was making fun of liberals in the media who use racial terms and seem racist while they blame racism on conservatives. Just a general statement on life here... if someone is offended by what someone says on the radio or on TV... you really need to get some work done on your backbone. I've come to learn that no matter what "side of the aisle" your on that the people who do all the talking are usually only talking to cover up their true feelings. If you think its a big deal for people to know your not a racist and you keep saying so its because deep down you are racist, but you feel guilty for it so you cover it up. It's same with everything else. People just need to chill out. If you don't like what someone says on your precious little radio then change the dial. No one makes you listen to Rush Limbaugh or Al Franken or the other millions of political commentators their are out there. One thing I do request though is to when you accuse someone of being a racist. Use that term sparingly and do your homework first instead of just shooting from the hip on these things. If you call everyone who is white racist because they merely mention that someone is black then your really doing the civil rights movement more harm then good. Instead of trying to get Rush fired why not actually do something for real that improves race relations ya know? Maybe oh I don't know support inner city programs to advance education in the inner cities. The government can't do everything for you... you have to do it yourself. Maybe if the civil rights movement actually listened to the words of MLK and not just put his face on a t-shirt we would all be better off. All I'm saying is if you are going to call someone a racist make sure that person actually is racist before you start a witch hunt and if you really want to improve race relations in this country please realize that firing a radio DJ will do nothing. Oh yea good luck getting Rush thrown off the air too. Imus got fired because only 2 million people watched his show and the sponsors werent making as much money as they used to anyhow. Rush is the most popular radio show host of all time and #1 owns his own broadcasting company so essentially he would have to fire himself for it to work #2 he makes more money for the sponsors than any radio dj on the planet. Corporations only respond to the bottom line If you want him off the air so bad then attack his bottom line.