The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101482   Message #2046698
Posted By: Donuel
08-May-07 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: 40% the magic rip off #
Subject: BS: 40% the magic rip off #
Brain experiments involving accepting or refusing various splits of 10 like 50-50 or 60-40 show that people will ussually accept being cheated at 70them-30you. Compared to an even split of 50 50 30 70 is like a 40% loss.

40% shows up a lot. 40% of the National guard equipment and manpower is out of the country. An increase of pump prices by 40% in a year are accepted without protest. 40% interest on credit cards is not uncommon.

People seem to accept being ripped off by 40% without a fight.
But when it goes to 60% (80 for them 20 for you) people begin to dig in thier heels. 90%    yada yada

So when business plans to rip you off they know you will do absolutely nothing up to and including a 40% con. Sure they can steal all the way up to 100% but that makes waves.


maybe I'm right maybe I'm wrong but I bet dollars to donuts that there are corporations that have special departments to find these magic rip off ratios.